Latest in Naravne vrednote

Rezman’s Waterfall
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the surface geomorphological, hydrological species of local importance. The waterfall is on Ludranski vrh.

Pudgarsko – Swiss Pine
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski Vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The Swiss pine has dried out due to an illness, today, there grows a young tree of the old […]

Hermanko’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Leše in Prevalje. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees of large dimensions grow near the Hermanko’s farm.

Hermanko’s Pine Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Leše in Prevalje. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The Scots pine of large dimensions grows near the Hermanko’s farm.

Koroš’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Jamnica in Prevalje. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The lime tree of large dimensions grows at the Koroš’s farm.

Pikovo – Laburnum (Golden Rain)
The nature-value is in the settlement Podpeca in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The golden rain of large dimensions grows near the mountain lodge on Pikovo.

Pikovo – Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Podpeca in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grow near the mountain lodge on Pikovo.

Reht’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Podkraj in Mežica. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The linden trees are of large dimensions and grow at the Reht’s farm.

The nature-value is in the settlement Podkraj in Mežica. It belongs to the zoological, ecosystem, botanical species. The headwater bog is located western from Mežica.

St. Magdalena – Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Javorje in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows by the church of St. Magdalena.

Juvan’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Javorje in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows near the Juvan’s farm.

Podkrižnik’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Javorje in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows at the Podkrižnik’s farm.

St. Ana – Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Koprivna in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees grow by the church of St. Ana.

Končnik’s Tree Lane
The nature-value is in the settlement Topla in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The tree lane of sycamore maples grows by the Končnik’s farm.

Končnik’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Topla in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree grows near the the Končnik’s farm.

Topla – Valley
The nature-value is in the settlement Topla in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the zoological species of national importance. The interesting Alpine valley is home to many endangered animal species.

Burjak’s Wall
The nature-value is in the settlement Topla in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the surface geomorphological species of local importance. The picturesque rock wall is of tectonic formation and is located in Topla valley.

Končnik’s Puddle
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski Vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the hydrological, zoological species of local importance. The forest mountain lake is on the northern slope of Krnes.

Pudgarsko – European Ash
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski Vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The European ash is of large dimensions.

Najevska Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski Vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows at the Narovnik’s farm.

Božič waterfall
The nature-value is in the settlement Ludranski vrh in Črna na Koroškem. It belongs to the surface geomorphological, hydrological species of local importance. The waterfall is on the left tributary of the Javorski potok (Javorski stream).

Zelen Breg – Mineral Deposit
The nature-value is in the settlement Zelen Breg in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the geological species of national importance. It represents a deposit of black tourmaline and muscovite.

Janko’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Zelen Breg in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance.

Velika peč
The nature-value is in the settlement Tolsti Vrh in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the surface geomorphological species of local importance. The rocky solitary mountain stands on Šteknetov vrh.

Jakobov križ (Jakob’s Cross) – Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Tolsti Vrh in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees are of large dimensions and grow near the Jakob’s Cross.

Pavšič’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Podkraj in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows near the Pavšič’s farm.

Večko’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Uršlja gora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree grows at the farm Veček and is of large dimensions.

Lubenc’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Uršlja gora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees grow near farm Lubenc and are of large dimensions.

Kos’s Linden Tree 1
The nature-value is in the settlement Uršlja gora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree grows near farm Kos and is of large dimensions.

Godec’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Uršlja gora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees grow near the Godec’s farm under Uršlja gora and are of large dimensions.

Dvornik’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Podgora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees grow at the Dvornik’s farm on Preški vrh and are of large dimensions.

Votla peč
The nature-value is in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the surface geomorphological and geological species of local importance. It represent a natural bridge in the river-bed of Meža.

Lečnik’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Tolsti Vth in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden trees grow at the Lečnik’s farm and are of large dimensions.

Cave at Votla peč pri Ravnah
The nature-value is in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the underground geomorphological species and is of national importance. The cave is on the right bank of river Meža.

Rezar’s Chestnut Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Tolsti Vrh in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The chestnut tree is of large dimensions and grows at the Rezar’s farm.

Kotlje – Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Kotlje in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of local importance. The linden tree is of large dimensions and grows by the church in Kotlje.

Zdovc’s Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Kotlje in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The large linden tree is at Zdovc’s farm.

St. Mohor – Linden Tree
The nature-value is in the settlement Kotlje in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. The large linden tree is at Zdovc’s farm.

Kogovnik’s Linden Trees
The nature-value is in the settlement Podgora in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the tree species of national importance. It represents a wind band of linden trees of extraordinary dimensions at Kogovnik’s farm.

Roman’s spring
The nature-value is in the settlement Kotlje in Ravne na Koroškem. It belongs to the geological, hydrological type of natural unit of local importance. It represents a spring of mineral water in Kotlje.